Cass County MOGenWeb Lookups

When requesting a look-up, please put Cass Co. Lookup in the subject line. Be sure to thank the volunteers for their time and help. Please ask for everything they have on any one surname.
I would like to volunteer for cemeteries in Raytown, MO & Belton, MO. I live in Raytown, but have family in Belton so either will do. Thanks, hope I can be of help. |
Joshua Bennett |
1900 Census | Debbi Lehr |
"A Peculiar Heritage"..."1868-1968", Compiled by Grace Elizabeth Taylor, for the Lion's Club of Peculiar, Missouri. | Alisa (Smith) Yocum |
1850 Census | Debbi Lehr |
1900-1920 Census: Please limit requests to one head of house and one census year | Glenn McAnarney |
Cemeteries located in the following townships: (Please make note that they
should include the township where their ancestors last lived.)
Big Creek Township, Coldwater Township, Everett Township, Grand River Township, Rural Grand River Township, Polk Township |
Debbi Lehr |
1860/1870/1880 Cass County Census | Brenda Marble |
Civil War Veterans of Cass County, Missouri
1850 and 1860 census' from Cass County History, Cass County, Missouri (Taylor Publishing Co. 1976) History of families with Index, pictures and map. |
Linda Shearer Clemons |
Cemeteries and also Marriages listed in the annals of Bates County, Missouri | Cherie Schroeder |
" Cemeteries of Harrisonville Grand River Township Cass County, Missouri". It includes the cemeteries : Oakland Cemetery, and Orient Cemetery, also war veterans buried in these cemeteries. | Carolyn Fairchild |
Burial Sites & Cemeteries of Everett Township Index to Burial Sites of Big Creek Township Burial Sites and Freeman Cemetery of Dolan Township Cemeteries of Harrisonville Grand River Township Burial Sites & Cemeteries of Austin Township | Karen Lacy |
Burial Sites and Freeman Cemetery of Dolan Township | David H. Cesar Sr |
Cass County Courthouse 1897 (don't let the name fool you. It has approximately 100+ pages detailing the lives of many Cass County Families. In some cases it includes parents, & grandparent information, and in most cases children information, some as recent as 1973.) | Joy Burkhart |
Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church 1868 - 1968 | Eve Gardner |
I will do lookups for Pleasant Ridge Cemetery. I have the current list as of October, 2000 with all the lot numbers. I have genealogy information such as marriage connections of these families. I am from the Holloway family. | Pam Hendrell |
I would be happy to do census look ups for Cass Co., for the census year 1910. If possible, I would appreciate it if the individual needing the look up would first look up the information on the census index and send that along with the request. I would ask .50 for each copy and $3.00 for parking fee's down town. This is what it will cost me out of pocket to do the look ups. |
Gwen Woods |
I have Volume 3 (Pleasant Hill) of the Cass County Cemetery Books. I would be willing to do look-ups out of this book for anyone interested. I wouldn't be able to make copies, but I could E-mail or snail mail any information to them that they needed. |
Cyndy Moen |