Cass County MOGenWeb



Cass County is available for adoption:

Interested? Send an email to the State Coordinator: Mel Owings

Hello Everyone! I am the county coordinator for the Cass Co., MOGenWeb Project. Please contact me, if you have information, suggestions or a desire to add your data to the database. We need your help to make this a better site!

I cannot answer any personal research questions and will not reply to these types of requests. I do not live in Cass County. I host this page because of my love of genealogy. My goal is to keep this page updated and to continue to add new features as I receive them. All that I have or know of general research material is and will be posted on these pages. I hope you find these pages helpful. If you have information you want to share, I would love to hear from you!

Information here is not "etched in stone". It often provides valuable leads. It is up to you to prove the data and contact the person who provided it to compare notes.

County Facts

Past and Present 


Created: March 3, 1835 under an act of the Missouri General Assembly.

Organized: 14 Sept 1835 from Jackson County. When the Justices James McClellan and William Savage, met in McClellan's residence about three miles southeast of Peculiar. William Lyon was appointed clerk of the court and county government was organized, included the setting up of Grand River Township.

First called Van Buren, in honor of Pres. Van Buren, Whom the Missourians delighted to honor at that time; but after he had been the presidential candidate of the Free Soil party in the preceding canvass; the democratic legislature changed the name to Cass County on February 19, 1849, to honor, Lewis Cass, of Michigan. He had been the Democratic candidate in 1848, and had been defeated by Gen. Taylor.

The county seat is, Harrisonville, MO 64701, and was named for Hon. A. G. Harrison, of Callaway.

The three southern tiers of townships were relinquished to Bates County on Feb. 22, 1855.

According to the 1990 census Cass County had a population of 70,492 residents. In the 2000 census there was a population of 82,092.

The Northern Resource Center of the Cass County Library in Belton will close Monday, October 31 and remain closed through Sunday, November 13 to relocate the library. Reopen Date/New Location The branch will reopen on Monday, November 14 in its new home at 1741 E North Ave, Belton, MO.


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This Page Originaly © 1996-2001 by Martha Agan; Copyright (c) 2009-2015 by M. McAlexander. All rights reserved. This information may be used by individuals for their own personal use, libraries and genealogical societies, however, commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. If copied, this copyright notice must appear with the information.